In India, Customs House Agent (CHA) is a specialized and fully licensed practitioner who can act as an agent for the sake of transaction that any business relating to it needs to satisfy must consolidate.  They act for any business that involves the entry or departure of any conveyances, as well as import and export of goods at custom stations. They maintain the accounts quite steadfastly, highlighting all the different in terms of all essential details, items and actions that are required to be kept up-to-date. Bureau Global Certification can help you access and collaborate with a CHA, and it shall be based upon the validity of our provisions that are associated in terms of formulating and relating to a specific business.

Our capabilities are fully cognizant and aware of the CHA licensing regulations, 1984, and we employ professionals or connect with them in terms of official relationships depending upon those very same facts at large. They are all important in conveying and associating with the experiences and actual capabilities that are held by our CHA professionals as well. Their licenses might differ on the basis of being temporary or permanent, but we shall take all measures that shall lead to nothing but your complete benefits.